Basic Battle Training
Part One: Fundamentals
Chapter 1 "Our Commander"
A more COMPLETE description of the God we serve and should represent.
Chapter 2 "The Enemy and His Minions"
Satan's boys described in The Word and utilized thru the ages.
Chapter 3 "Preparation for Battle"
A simple but comprehensive Bible study plan that WORKS.
Chapter 4 "Discipleship"
The BIBLICAL teaching on this watered down subject.
Chapter 5 "The Special Forces"
Further on discipleship and what it means to truly "follow Jesus".
Chapter 6 "The Objective: Salvation Properly Presented"
"Easy Jesus"...why so many fall away.
Chapter 7 "Stormin' the Gate"
The BIBLICAL MANDATE: public preaching!
Chapter 8 "Principals of Battle"
How to do it...
Chapter 9 "Practical Principals of Battle"
Things learned in our many years at the plow.
Chapter 10 "Tough Love"
The love most often found, and used in Scripture .
Chapter 11 "Battle Expectations"
What it's really like "in the field!"
Chapter 12 "The Real Christian Life" deference to what is presented today!
Part Two: Motivations
Chapter 13 Motivations: "Love"
God's heart for us.
Chapter 14 Motivations: "The Fear of God"
"The Father" he fulfills His role as our parent .
Chapter 15 Motivations: "Rewards"
An often neglected and potent Biblical grace.
Chapter 16 Motivations: Anger, "Truth, Faith and Debt"
The final motivators that complete this subject.
Part Three: Diversions
Chapter 17 Diversions: "The Kingdom of God"
God's plan: oft confused and miss-represented.
Chapter 18 Diversions: "Miracles?"
The BIBLICAL record, or today's claims?
Chapter 19 Diversions: "Pentecostal Theology"
A walk down cartoon alley?
Chapter 20 Diversions: "Eternal Security"
Toward a more balanced and wise view.
Chapter 21 Diversions: "Which Bible"
Old school vs. the supposed "new improved school".
Chapter 22 Diversions: "The Rapture Question"
Putting your eggs in the right basket.
Chapter 23 Diversions: "Calvinism"
Right up there with the litany of false teaching so prevalent today!